Broke A Rule & Sucked Cock This Week

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sob., 30. dec. 2023

.....In my defence I just couldn't help myself. Now some of you may be thinking waitt a minute I thought you were already a cock sucker..........well yes and no.

Thing is I have a few rules in place that I have set for myself.

1. I don't meet guys one on one.

2. I never ever ever..........ever suck a cuckold's cock when meeting couples.


3. I never suck a guys cock unless I know the favour is going to be returned.

Problem is one of my biggest fatasies is sucking cock that's just been dipped in sweet honey and because I like to play safe those opportunities are rare.

So here's what happened. I met a married couple in their home this week so naturally they don't play with condoms and the site of the guys ebony cock slipping in and out and being oh so nicely lubricated by his ivory wife's juices was just too much to resist.

Besides evil me loves that fact that I got a straight guy to try something new. Firsts are fun right?😈

Anyway so when it was my turn to fuck her and he knelt over his wife's head to watch, how could I resist? It was his first time being sucked off by a guy, her first time watching any guy suck cock and I'm pretty sure that was my first time sucking cock so freshly dipped in honey 🥵🥵🥵